The urban studies major provides a broadly interdisciplinary understanding of how urban dynamics shape both global interdependence and local spaces. The major stresses the way in which cities and communities are critical to the organization of economic, social, 以及塑造和改变人类体验的文化活动. Students can take full advantage of the College’s strong and diverse academic resources in the urban field through courses at the Trinity campus and local partner schools, community learning in Hartford, 在国际城市学习的机会, 以及在各种城市环境中的实习机会.


城市研究项目的学习目标可以找到 HERE.



  • 所有计入专业的课程必须达到C-或更高的成绩.
  • 计入专业的课程不能通过/不通过.
  • No more than one 100-level course or first-year seminar other than URST 101 (or CTYP 101) can be counted toward the major.
  • Engaged-learning requirement: At least one course must be either an urban-focused (A) study-away course, (B) internship, (C)社区学习课程.
  • 至少有一门课程(见下文)必须达到300分水平.
  • 经学院协调员许可, 一个学生的一到四门课程的学习经历可能会被计入专业, 取决于出国留学项目和出国留学的学期数.
  • 经学院协调员许可, 最多有三门城市项目的课程可以算进专业.
  • 城市研究和其他专业之间不允许重复计算超过三门课程.
  • Students must complete an integrating exercise that synthesizes earlier urban studies work in the major through URST 401. Qualified students (GPA over 3.50 overall and an A- average in the major) may choose to get honors in the major which will require them to complete a two-semester thesis through URST 498 (fall) and URST 499 (spring) with a grade of A- or better. Students seeking honors must still take URST 401, but their thesis becomes the “integrating exercise.”

Methods requirement:

Students must complete one of the following courses or an approved methodologically-based alternative:

  • URST 107. 地理信息系统导论
  • URST 208. Digital Urban Investigation
  • LAAL 200. 哈特福德的行动研究方法
  • CLIC 400. 社区学习研究员研究座谈会

Other departments have methods courses that teach methods applicable to urban studies which can be used to meet this requirement, 但这些课程可能是为该部门或项目专业的学生保留的. 如果学生是城市研究和有这种方法课程的专业之间的双学位, 那么该课程可以替代URST方法要求. Students are responsible for checking with the respective department regarding the alternative course’s availability to non-majors. 这些备选方案包括,例如:

  • AHIS 364/ENGR 341. Architectural Drawing
  • AHIS 365/ENGR 342. 建筑设计要素
  • ANTH 301. 人种学方法与写作
  • CLCV 216. 考古方法与理论
  • ECON 318. Basic Econometrics
  • ENVS 282. 无人机飞行学校-测绘,摄影测量和电影摄影与无人机
  • ENVS 286. 地理信息系统理论与应用“,
  • ENVS 375. 环境科学方法
  • HIST 300. History Workshop
  • PBPL 220. Research and Evaluation
  • POLS 242. 政治学研究方法
  • RHET 226. Writing about Places
  • SOCL 201. 社会科学研究方法
  • STAR 150. 视觉思维:纪实传统中的数码摄影


Planning & policy

这个专题分组或轨道包括城市研究课程, public policy, environmental science, 工程或其他领域是建立在实际, 应用或专业技能发展. 仅举几个例子,以下课程将适合这个轨道:

  • URST 107. 地理信息系统导论
  • URST 212. 景观规划和大脑健康环境教育
  • URST 219. 比较规划观点
  • URST 280. 美国城市和地方政府:法律视角
  • URST 301. 以社区为导向的发展战略解决美国城市衰退问题*
  • URST 321. 交通地理学:在21世纪全球城市中的移动
  • URST 433. Introduction to Urban Planning
  • AHIS 286. 现代建筑:1900年至今
  • AHIS 364/ENGR 341. Architectural Drawing
  • AHIS 365/ENGR 342. 建筑设计要素
  • ENVS 286. 地理信息系统理论与应用“,
  • PBPL 414. Segregation and Public Policy

Urban society

这条赛道侧重于城市独特的社会方面. 这方面的课程可能来自不同的学科. However, students should work with their adviser to develop a coherent focus that helps the student to develop expertise in a sub-field of urban studies. Some example courses would be:

  • URST 210. Sustainable Urban Development
  • URST 215. Latin American Cities
  • URST 218. Chinese Global Cities
  • URST 260. 非洲研究中的城市:过去、现在和潜力
  • URST 302. Global Cities
  • URST 318. Reshaping Global Urbanization*
  • ANTH 253. Urban Anthropology
  • ECON 209. Urban Economics
  • POLS 314. Comparative Urban Development
  • POLS 355. Urban Politics

Core courses:

  • Four core courses
    • URST 101. 城市研究导论或其他200级比较城市课程
    • URST 201. From Hartford to World Cities
    • 一门URST 300级课程(如URST 301、302、318或321)
    • URST 401. Senior Seminar
    • 社区学习课程或社区学习研究讨论会


  • 四门课程的集中(计划 & 政策或城市社会,如上文所述). 至少有一门课程必须达到300分水平, and no courses at the 100 level can be counted toward the concentration; the 300-level course taken as a core class cannot double count within the concentration. This sequence, 与学生导师协商制定, provides a thematic emphasis within the interdisciplinary realm of urban studies beyond the content of the core courses.


  • One methods course (beyond any methodologically-focused courses taken as a part of a concentration; as detailed above)


  • 另外三门城市研究课程


Students must complete an integrating exercise that synthesizes earlier urban studies work in the major through a major research paper in URST 401. If they choose to get honors in the major which will require them to complete a two-semester thesis through URST 498 (fall) and URST 499 (spring), then the thesis project counts for the integrating exercise in the 401 seminar; thesis students are, however, 我还是想上大学401.

*为满足方法要求而修的课程, 300-level core courses, 或者作为浓度的一部分可能不会被重复计算.


Community learning: The Office of Community Learning fosters academic collaborations between Trinity students, staff, faculty, 以及哈特福德的地方组织. 通过将教室的边界扩展到当地社区, 学生们在加深学习的项目中与城市接触, promote civic engagement, 与社区组织建立互惠互利的关系.

Kelter城市研究捐赠基金:Jeffrey E. Kelter ’76 Urban Studies Endowment Fund at the Center for Urban and Global Studies (CUGS) supports student investigations of a broad range of key urban issues confronting humankind in the 21st century. 特别感兴趣的是与房地产和城市规划有关的项目.

格罗斯曼全球研究基金:Kenneth S. 格罗斯曼1978年全球研究基金是为了纪念尤金·E·格罗斯曼教授而设立的. Leach, supports student investigations of global issues that confront humankind in the 21st century. 这类问题的例子包括人权, peacekeeping, 保护生态圈, migrations and diasporas, international health standards, 以及信息技术和生物工程的革命性进步带来的后果.

Thomas Urban China Endowment Fund: The Karen and David Thomas Urban China Teaching and Research Endowment Fund supports students to carry out summer research projects in Chinese cities or about urban China broadly defined. 符合条件的主题包括但不限于:经济发展, spatial inequality, regional dynamics, migration, housing, heritage preservation, and environmental protection. 该基金还支持以中国城市为主题的高级论文奖.

Tanaka Research Fund: In 2002 Trinity was awarded a generous grant by the Tanaka Memorial Foundation establishing an endowed fund to allow students to pursue formal research projects abroad, with a special focus on Asia, 在七月和八月期间. Typically, one grant, ranging from $3,000 to $4,000 in total, is awarded each year for the proposal deemed most feasible and relevant to the wider academic interests of the applicant.

Davis Projects for Peace: Davis Projects for Peace is an initiative for all students at the Davis United World College Scholars Program schools to design their own grassroots projects for peace that they themselves will implement anywhere in the world during the summer months. 通过90多所大学的竞争, 将选出100个项目,以10元资助,000 each.

Study Away:

China Summer Program supported by The Karen and David Thomas Urban China Teaching and Research Endowment: The Center for Urban and Global Studies takes students annually to cities in China (and, on several occasions, 东南亚)的密集暑期课程,调查关键的历史, socioeconomic, 以及该地区城市面临的环境问题. Studying these dynamic cities offers urban studies students a fascinating way to glimpse and access the various facets of sustainable urban development. The program carries 1.0 course credit.

Technos Japan Tour: One faculty and two students are invited for a two-week trip to Japan to participate in Technos International Week held in Tokyo every year in June. 技术国际周是日本技术国际学院组织的活动. Its goal is to promote international exchange and understanding between the international guests and the members of the host institution, as well as to offer the guest group the opportunity to experience and appreciate Japanese life and culture.

Honors: To receive honors in urban studies a student must complete a two-semester thesis with a grade of A- or better, 总平均成绩至少达到3分.50分,并且在与本专业相关的课程中至少取得平均成绩A-.

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